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'Customer Experience 2'
A global collaboration by 24 customer experience professionals from 13 different countries.
'Customer Experience 2' is written by 24 CX professionals all around the world. It is both theoretical and practical guide for customer experience. In the foreword, CXPA CEO Greg Melia wrote "We must foster the type of thinking reflected in Customer Experience 2 to solidify the current practice of CX and define what comes next."
Founder of Elephant Istanbul, Betül Yılmaz is co-authored the book. In her article, you will discover how to create synergy, bring dialog back in to the boardroom between everyone and the missing link on CX improvement initiatives. The book is on Amazon.
'CX Wrappings' - Hospitality Sector
A practical guide to overcome challenges
'CX Wrappings’ is an initiative to share CX ideas and inspire organisations from various sectors to build and maintain customer experience excellence in a practical way, with a global footprint and with CX professionals from five continents.
Our first report is on hospitality sector, the report is prepared by the insights of hospitality sector professional across the world. You will find how to overcome challenges by using customer experience solutions and best practices from the shared knowledge of customer experience professionals. Enjoy read! #CXCares
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